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Numeracy & Literacy Room

In this room, our practitioners' main focus is to build each child's skills in preparation for school. Our resources are varied to support different abilities and different stages of development and our focus is on numeracy and literacy skills to support the 'Ready for Reception' scheme.

Practitioners support literacy development through the implementation of the Read, Write, Inc method. We provide children with a range of activities, such as alphabet letters, sandpaper letters, whiteboards and pencils. We also provide children with named placemats to encourage letter recognition and identification of their name.

Practitioners support numeracy development through the exploration of various mathematical concepts, such as counting and the recognition of numbers, but also shape, space and measure, and trajectory and patterns. There are books provided which explore mathematical concepts such as shapes and position, as well as environmental prints discussing measures such as tall and short, heavy and light. Practitioners also utilise jigsaws and puzzles to develop critical thinking skills and understanding of rotation, position and interaction between shapes.